Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Yeah you guessed it we learned nothing last mod in human geo. This time we hadn’t another review which I can’t complain because it’s helping me to have an advantage on the test coming. I mean knowing myself I’ll probably still not get full marks even with he help but you know I’m going to work on it and make sure I get an 85 at LEAST. So all I can do now is study and wait I guess I hope it goes well for everyone in general you know. Probably the last blog for this semester so I guess we’ll start EVERY SINGLE DAY BLOGS next term. ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿค“

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Quiz review๐Ÿ‘

So today I’m human geo we got our pop quizzes back and light I say we really goofed up this time. I mean class average was like 60% and I was down there with a 14 it was just something we shouldn’t ever bring up again. Although it seems I have to because the quiz has a good chunk of what mr Schick said he’d bring in the mid-terms about the demographic transition explained by Hans Rosling. We managed to go through the test and get answers so we can review them for the mid-terms so I’m happy about that. Otherwise we spent the rest of the mod messing around and it was all round a pretty good mod today. Okay NOW I’m blogging every single day.๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿฟ‍๐Ÿš’๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿผ‍๐Ÿ’ป๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿผ‍๐Ÿ’ป

Monday, November 27, 2017


Today we got our population tests back and might I say we totally cheesed that hard. Well you know except for Dom cause he's like a genius in basically everything and whatever. So anyway I'm kinda dissapointed in myself cause the test was actually pretty easy in parts that I messed up in. I feel like with more focus and less ego to take over my clear thinking would've definitely got me a higher mark. But no use crying over spilled milk what's done is done here. With mid-quarters tomorrow I'm more focused on how I'm gonna get my grades up to B's for now. ๐Ÿฑ‍๐Ÿš€๐Ÿฑ‍๐Ÿ‘“

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


I think Kiva is a very helpful organisation because I've seen how it aids struggling people all over the world in many poverty stricken countries in Africa, Asia and even South America. The people who need money post their needs online on the website and show their needs and motives for taking out a loan. They are really helped by people who loan as little as $25 each which can really amount and become effective to their good cause. In the end 97% of the time your money gets paid back and the person who took the loan does benefit from it and is able to live a standard life with what they built.

For example I found this woman, a widow with three children living in a poverty-stricken country Lebanon. Her name is Nawal and she owns a small restaurant that she started way back in 1999. She does get a little bit of money from it to support her family but only barely. She wants to borrow $1900 to help expand her business in cooking Lebanese food for the locals to support her village and her family's needs.

And about a woman named Khitam living in Jordan which is definitely not developed and is among the countries stricken by poverty and war and disease. She makes food manually no machines to help her and she cranks out bag-loads of food to her village and to the local government with her hands. She is asking for a loan of $1450 to help buy a machine to grind her maize for her and help crank out more and more food to support her family and her village with food that they clearly need.

Monday, November 20, 2017


In today's Human Geo mod we finally had our population test and I guess it was pretty good for me anyways. The first part was pretty hard I guess navigating back and forth in the CIA World Factbook. I almost didn't get about two of them but luckily at like literally one minute left I found what I was looking for and managed to finish it with few seconds to spare. The second part was alright although it did take me a little time to finish but it was pretty easy as far as I can tell. I think I did pretty good on it and should have no problems getting a ninety percent. Well, at least I hope. :)

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Last Human  Geo lesson my group and I finally presented our Google Slide on world hunger although ANNA WASN'T THERE, it's alright we got it done I think it went pretty well considering I did most of the presentation but that doesn't matter you know. I mean can't be worse than John and Logan's group right I mean that was just disastrous you know took shots at Mr. Schick too it was just a mess. But yeah we still have a couple groups to see hopefully that goes well and I can actually learn something out of this and whatnot and we'll just see how that goes.WE BLOGGING EVERY SINGLE DAY AHHHHHHHH!!
Image result for MAN SHOUTING

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Yes I see it I haven't blogged in a while again yeah yeah get over it I'm gonna start them back up again and this time I won't break my blog streak alright. Now on to the real blog. So today a couple of groups presented their world hunger slash population blog and I learned a little bit about a couple of world hunger relief organisations. Now we didn't present ours obviously because we weren't ready again OBVIOUSLY but hey, now we're ready okay and I'm hoping, emphasis on HOPE, that I can ace this and get back to the top.
Image result for man pointing angrily


Wednesday, November 8, 2017


In today's Human Geo lesson we continued learning about the population pyramids. We compared different countries' population pyramids as well as cities in the US. Mr. Schick gave us a first hand experience of the population in a beach down in Florida where the population is mostly old people because it's sort of a retirement place. He told us that he watched a rocket launch from an island not far from where he was staying. Also we saw that Japan's population is slowly declining due to the amount of elderly people compared to the amount of young people. The fact that there are more old people means that there will be nobody to carry the economy while people die slowly and their population will have gone down significantly in the next fifty years. WOW!

Monday, November 6, 2017


In today's human geo lesson we learned about population pyramids and how they show the population of a city distributed in age groups of five years in between. We saw that some countries like Monaco have a population pyramid shaped like a cup which means that there are more old people than youths in the nation. It's the opposite in developing countries like Namibia which has a population pyramid shaped like a Christmas tree meaning that it has more young people aged zero to about forty years. This was a pretty meh topic because we haven't really got that into it but I guess we'll see how it goes.

Saturday, November 4, 2017


In the recent Human Geo lessons we have been discussing population increase and decrease in countries all around the world. I learned that many things like immigration rate, maternity rate, death rate all have something significant as part of the population of a country. For example America has the most people immigrating into it and has thus grown over three million people in the past year. We also learned how economically rich countries like Monaco and Norway have high wage rates so people get paid more therefore their population doesn't grow or fall. Another thing that can contribute to population are push and pull forces. A pull force is an aspect of the country that draws people in like jobs, homes, environmental status, government policy and more. Push forces are things that make people want to emigrate such as wars, lack of jobs or pollution. We continue to look into this topic deeper as we move on.

Thursday, October 19, 2017


So in today's lesson we focused more on products and industry and how the place where goods are manufactured affects it's price. For example a car made in mexico or china would be cheaper than a car made right here in the USA because there is higher demand for work here. Also I learned that Jimmy's dad owns a pretty cool expensive business called window candles that sell beautiful mechanic candles. Wow lets hope Jimmy doesn't disappoint and continue the family business. Pretty cool lesson I say especially cause it was last mod and we talked alot around the class.
RIP MICHAEL DOGLOUSImage result for sad quotes about death

Friday, October 13, 2017


In today's human geo class we talked about special or maybe not so special facts about countries in the world on the CIA world factbook. It was pretty interesting because I got to learn a lot about different countries in the world for example Fiji is made of over 300 different islands. Crazy things like being forced into the army in Greece and there being only about 2200 people living on Christmas Island. I looked up Antarctica and came to the point that if a world war broke out it would be the safest place to hide if you had proper stations and equipment to survive. This was a pretty interesting class.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


In to day's Human Geo lesson we learned about how a region on earth is defined by it's culture, language and even religion. Mr. Schick put us into groups and we had to do an exercise on the map of the U.S and how it's divided into regions depending  on how they voted over the last three terms. It wasn't all straightforward with that voting map because in order to place the states in regions the had to be close together unlike Maine and California which are on different sides of the country but both voted for the Democrat in the elections. Also we didn't get to finish our map exercises cause you know time and all that jack so I guess it's off to the next Human Geo lesson.

Monday, September 25, 2017


In today's class everything started out pretty normal. You know boring old Monday Human Geo class, what could go wrong am I right? Well when Mr. Schick teaches your class I supposed you prepare for the worst. We were just discussing regular matters about the world map and it's regions and all over sudden the point of the discussion took a turning point. For me this made the listen interesting. We started talking about North Korea and it's Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and how he was threatening to bomb the U.S. Mr. Schick asked us what we would do in defense and I immediately came up with the brilliant and intricate plan to just thrash North Korea with bombs. I mean who could blame me right? Apparently that wasn't such a good idea since one little misfire could practically start WWIII and all so I guess that's out of the picture. In the end we found out that the smartest way to go about things would be through diplomacy and discussions. Sure take the boring route if that's how you like it. Whatever, this was a pretty good class.


In the last class we discussed regions and why each place on earth is unique in its on way. We didn't do that much because we finished class much earlier so we had time to do what we wanted. Me being the idiot I am didn't take the time to do the blog but you know what..it's okay right? Other than that we went over the maps that Mr.Schick had told us to draw and for the most part I think my map looked...you know...somewhat like the world map to put it in simple terms. After that we wrote some notes on maps and regions which were fairly little and yeah rest of the time was off.

Thursday, September 21, 2017


This year I want to accomplish a couple of goals for myself as a freshman. First I want to play for the Junior Varsity soccer team and maybe even start at a point and make a difference in the team. I also want  to try keep my grades up above a D average every quarter. Something I've always wanted to accomplish is to learn how to play football despite my relatively small body size :(. I mean who knows maybe one day I'll be on varsity football (in my dreams). Finally I want to make many friends and have a prosperous year at John Carroll as a freshman.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Today we learned about daily routines and routes we take in our day to day lives. Mr. Schick told us how a mental map works and how it is supposed to be made and used. A mental map is someones view of a specific place. This helps us to get the general position of a place we need to go to. Mr. Schick also told us that we should not have a stereotypical view of a place because of what we have heard or seen on TV. He gave the example of the French people who Americans think are very rude but in fact most usually try to be kind and helpful to tourists. At the end Mr. Schick told us to make a mental map of the world and our daily route to and from school. It was a difficult class for sure.

Monday, September 18, 2017


Today's Human Geography lesson was filled with stark boredom, the clicking of of keys on a computer, Mr.Schick losing his bearings due to all 168 assignments he had to grade and a little bee smaller than my fingernail which caused the most excitement today. Honestly if that little bugger hadn't wandered into class I would've died with my hands on my keyboard thinking about life in that unusually quiet class. Otherwise at least I got my other stuff done before I had to try deal with the bee but unfortunately Mr. Schick chose to spare his life. Just so you know little bee I spared you cause you put honey on my croissants every morning.

Sunday, September 17, 2017


In the last Human Geography lesson we learned about maps. We saw that there were two types of maps that were the first standard maps to be drawn up many years ago. First is the Mercator map which  was made by cartographer Gerardus Mercator in the year 1569. This map distorts and stretches out the map so that countries like Greenland look much larger than it really is. The more correct map is known as the Peter's projection map. We also watched some videos from an old TV show that explained how the world back then had been looking at the wrong map the entire time. Finally Mr. Schick showed us his pet peeve which was the weather on local news channels. They project the US in the weather map to be at least a quarter of the earth which it most definitely is not. I think it's safe to say this was definitely a mind blowing discovery in our recent lesson.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Today we started a new topic in Human Geography. The name of the topic is 'Thinking Geographically'. Mr. Schick announced that we would now be having a much harder time in class taking notes and studying for tests. Today we mostly talked about regions and how they are similar or different. We got a worksheet with maps of the world's regions and our exercise was to fill the names of the regions. Personally I had no problem in doing this exercise and completing it fairly quickly. I got every region correct without having to check a map. I hope it keeps going this way while I'm still in this class.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


A Message to Garcia tells the story of a brave diligent and inspiring leader named Garcia who was leading the revolution during the Spanish-American war in Cuba. The author of the story explains in great detail the conflict occurring in the war and how this message needs to be delivered to Garcia. Fortunately a hero steps up to take the task head on. This was a valiant soldier named Rowan from West-point Military School. He bravely and diligently fought his way through the war zone with the message to Garcia from the President himself. In the end we see that Rowan's efforts bore fruit as he finally managed to deliver the message to Garcia which helped in the eventual conquering of Cuba by the Americans. This story by Elbert Hubbard teaches us that we should strive to achieve great feats in our lives and live up to our full potential like Rowan did. This will eventually lead to our success in life.


Today we did our first ever Human Geo test and it was pretty good for me anyways. I didn't really read as much I actually went through my notes at the last minute before Mr. Schick came into the class. But fortunately it did come out better than I had expected it to. The questions were pretty simple and straight forward. Most of it was what I had actually went through before the class started today except that one question about the person who writes in short hand. I kinda just blanked when I got there but never mind that I think I did pretty well in my first test and I can only hope I'm not wrong.