Monday, November 27, 2017


Today we got our population tests back and might I say we totally cheesed that hard. Well you know except for Dom cause he's like a genius in basically everything and whatever. So anyway I'm kinda dissapointed in myself cause the test was actually pretty easy in parts that I messed up in. I feel like with more focus and less ego to take over my clear thinking would've definitely got me a higher mark. But no use crying over spilled milk what's done is done here. With mid-quarters tomorrow I'm more focused on how I'm gonna get my grades up to B's for now. 🐱‍🚀🐱‍👓

1 comment:

  1. No use crying over spilled milk - but maybe you should cry over missed blogs, as you have done only one this week.

    I keep giving you presents, and you keeping leaving them at the curb...
