Monday, September 25, 2017


In today's class everything started out pretty normal. You know boring old Monday Human Geo class, what could go wrong am I right? Well when Mr. Schick teaches your class I supposed you prepare for the worst. We were just discussing regular matters about the world map and it's regions and all over sudden the point of the discussion took a turning point. For me this made the listen interesting. We started talking about North Korea and it's Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un and how he was threatening to bomb the U.S. Mr. Schick asked us what we would do in defense and I immediately came up with the brilliant and intricate plan to just thrash North Korea with bombs. I mean who could blame me right? Apparently that wasn't such a good idea since one little misfire could practically start WWIII and all so I guess that's out of the picture. In the end we found out that the smartest way to go about things would be through diplomacy and discussions. Sure take the boring route if that's how you like it. Whatever, this was a pretty good class.

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