Sunday, September 17, 2017


In the last Human Geography lesson we learned about maps. We saw that there were two types of maps that were the first standard maps to be drawn up many years ago. First is the Mercator map which  was made by cartographer Gerardus Mercator in the year 1569. This map distorts and stretches out the map so that countries like Greenland look much larger than it really is. The more correct map is known as the Peter's projection map. We also watched some videos from an old TV show that explained how the world back then had been looking at the wrong map the entire time. Finally Mr. Schick showed us his pet peeve which was the weather on local news channels. They project the US in the weather map to be at least a quarter of the earth which it most definitely is not. I think it's safe to say this was definitely a mind blowing discovery in our recent lesson.

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