Tuesday, November 21, 2017


I think Kiva is a very helpful organisation because I've seen how it aids struggling people all over the world in many poverty stricken countries in Africa, Asia and even South America. The people who need money post their needs online on the website and show their needs and motives for taking out a loan. They are really helped by people who loan as little as $25 each which can really amount and become effective to their good cause. In the end 97% of the time your money gets paid back and the person who took the loan does benefit from it and is able to live a standard life with what they built.

For example I found this woman, a widow with three children living in a poverty-stricken country Lebanon. Her name is Nawal and she owns a small restaurant that she started way back in 1999. She does get a little bit of money from it to support her family but only barely. She wants to borrow $1900 to help expand her business in cooking Lebanese food for the locals to support her village and her family's needs.

And about a woman named Khitam living in Jordan which is definitely not developed and is among the countries stricken by poverty and war and disease. She makes food manually no machines to help her and she cranks out bag-loads of food to her village and to the local government with her hands. She is asking for a loan of $1450 to help buy a machine to grind her maize for her and help crank out more and more food to support her family and her village with food that they clearly need.

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