Monday, November 27, 2017


Today we got our population tests back and might I say we totally cheesed that hard. Well you know except for Dom cause he's like a genius in basically everything and whatever. So anyway I'm kinda dissapointed in myself cause the test was actually pretty easy in parts that I messed up in. I feel like with more focus and less ego to take over my clear thinking would've definitely got me a higher mark. But no use crying over spilled milk what's done is done here. With mid-quarters tomorrow I'm more focused on how I'm gonna get my grades up to B's for now. 🐱‍🚀🐱‍👓

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


I think Kiva is a very helpful organisation because I've seen how it aids struggling people all over the world in many poverty stricken countries in Africa, Asia and even South America. The people who need money post their needs online on the website and show their needs and motives for taking out a loan. They are really helped by people who loan as little as $25 each which can really amount and become effective to their good cause. In the end 97% of the time your money gets paid back and the person who took the loan does benefit from it and is able to live a standard life with what they built.

For example I found this woman, a widow with three children living in a poverty-stricken country Lebanon. Her name is Nawal and she owns a small restaurant that she started way back in 1999. She does get a little bit of money from it to support her family but only barely. She wants to borrow $1900 to help expand her business in cooking Lebanese food for the locals to support her village and her family's needs.

And about a woman named Khitam living in Jordan which is definitely not developed and is among the countries stricken by poverty and war and disease. She makes food manually no machines to help her and she cranks out bag-loads of food to her village and to the local government with her hands. She is asking for a loan of $1450 to help buy a machine to grind her maize for her and help crank out more and more food to support her family and her village with food that they clearly need.

Monday, November 20, 2017


In today's Human Geo mod we finally had our population test and I guess it was pretty good for me anyways. The first part was pretty hard I guess navigating back and forth in the CIA World Factbook. I almost didn't get about two of them but luckily at like literally one minute left I found what I was looking for and managed to finish it with few seconds to spare. The second part was alright although it did take me a little time to finish but it was pretty easy as far as I can tell. I think I did pretty good on it and should have no problems getting a ninety percent. Well, at least I hope. :)

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Last Human  Geo lesson my group and I finally presented our Google Slide on world hunger although ANNA WASN'T THERE, it's alright we got it done I think it went pretty well considering I did most of the presentation but that doesn't matter you know. I mean can't be worse than John and Logan's group right I mean that was just disastrous you know took shots at Mr. Schick too it was just a mess. But yeah we still have a couple groups to see hopefully that goes well and I can actually learn something out of this and whatnot and we'll just see how that goes.WE BLOGGING EVERY SINGLE DAY AHHHHHHHH!!
Image result for MAN SHOUTING

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Yes I see it I haven't blogged in a while again yeah yeah get over it I'm gonna start them back up again and this time I won't break my blog streak alright. Now on to the real blog. So today a couple of groups presented their world hunger slash population blog and I learned a little bit about a couple of world hunger relief organisations. Now we didn't present ours obviously because we weren't ready again OBVIOUSLY but hey, now we're ready okay and I'm hoping, emphasis on HOPE, that I can ace this and get back to the top.
Image result for man pointing angrily


Wednesday, November 8, 2017


In today's Human Geo lesson we continued learning about the population pyramids. We compared different countries' population pyramids as well as cities in the US. Mr. Schick gave us a first hand experience of the population in a beach down in Florida where the population is mostly old people because it's sort of a retirement place. He told us that he watched a rocket launch from an island not far from where he was staying. Also we saw that Japan's population is slowly declining due to the amount of elderly people compared to the amount of young people. The fact that there are more old people means that there will be nobody to carry the economy while people die slowly and their population will have gone down significantly in the next fifty years. WOW!

Monday, November 6, 2017


In today's human geo lesson we learned about population pyramids and how they show the population of a city distributed in age groups of five years in between. We saw that some countries like Monaco have a population pyramid shaped like a cup which means that there are more old people than youths in the nation. It's the opposite in developing countries like Namibia which has a population pyramid shaped like a Christmas tree meaning that it has more young people aged zero to about forty years. This was a pretty meh topic because we haven't really got that into it but I guess we'll see how it goes.

Saturday, November 4, 2017


In the recent Human Geo lessons we have been discussing population increase and decrease in countries all around the world. I learned that many things like immigration rate, maternity rate, death rate all have something significant as part of the population of a country. For example America has the most people immigrating into it and has thus grown over three million people in the past year. We also learned how economically rich countries like Monaco and Norway have high wage rates so people get paid more therefore their population doesn't grow or fall. Another thing that can contribute to population are push and pull forces. A pull force is an aspect of the country that draws people in like jobs, homes, environmental status, government policy and more. Push forces are things that make people want to emigrate such as wars, lack of jobs or pollution. We continue to look into this topic deeper as we move on.