Tuesday, December 12, 2017


Yeah you guessed it we learned nothing last mod in human geo. This time we hadn’t another review which I can’t complain because it’s helping me to have an advantage on the test coming. I mean knowing myself I’ll probably still not get full marks even with he help but you know I’m going to work on it and make sure I get an 85 at LEAST. So all I can do now is study and wait I guess I hope it goes well for everyone in general you know. Probably the last blog for this semester so I guess we’ll start EVERY SINGLE DAY BLOGS next term. 💯💯🤓

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Quiz review👏

So today I’m human geo we got our pop quizzes back and light I say we really goofed up this time. I mean class average was like 60% and I was down there with a 14 it was just something we shouldn’t ever bring up again. Although it seems I have to because the quiz has a good chunk of what mr Schick said he’d bring in the mid-terms about the demographic transition explained by Hans Rosling. We managed to go through the test and get answers so we can review them for the mid-terms so I’m happy about that. Otherwise we spent the rest of the mod messing around and it was all round a pretty good mod today. Okay NOW I’m blogging every single day.👨🏿‍🚒👨🏼‍💻👨🏼‍💻